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您当前位置: 商标分类 > 第30类:调味茶糖 > 【3018】食用香精,香料
商品号 商品/服务名称 商品/服务名称(英文) 备注
300070 除香精油外的蛋糕用调味品 Flavorings, other than essential oils, for cakes
300097 制糖果用薄荷 Mint for confectionery
300131 香兰素(香草代用品) Vanillin [vanilla substitute]
300140 除香精油外的食物用调味品 flavourings, other than essential oils / flavorings, other than essential oils
300141 除香精油外的饮料用调味品 Flavorings, other than essential oils, for beverages 与3203饮料香精类似
300011 食用芳香剂 Aromatic preparations for food
300048 食品用香料(含醚香料和香精油除外) Essences for foodstuffs, except etheric essences and essential oils
C300136 葡萄酒提味用烤制的天然碎木片 Toasted natural wood chips added to wine to improve its flavour